Current Health & Fitness Goals

Since moving to L.A., my health has definitely had its ups and downs. For the last few months of living in Boston, I wasn't very busy and had the time to work out at minimum once, but sometimes twice per day (I had a gym membership, cycling studio membership, and a fitness studio I worked at where I could take classes). That, coupled with walking all over the city meant I was getting more than enough exercise in.

When I got to L.A., things shifted big time. My area doesn't have much to walk to within reasonable distance (which is #1 on the priority list for my next apartment in August), and I became far busier with work and exploring this new city, that I wasn't exercising every day.


For the first few months of being here, I could feel that I wasn't feeling as good about myself. My skin was breaking out, I didn't feel comfortable in my clothes, and I was tired a lot.

I joined a cycling studio that I loved, and began going at least five or six times per week. I felt like myself again and craved the feeling of leaving the studio sweaty and accomplished. Then, I fell on a hike in Malibu at the end of January and my progress halted again. I didn't work out for over a week after the injury, and struggled to keep up in class without being in pain when I returned to the studio.

It's been just over a month since the injury happened, and I'm starting to feel like myself again but am ready to push myself again. Here are a few of my current health & fitness goals to help me get back on track. 

  • Diversifying my Fitness Classes: While my spin studio is the best, I definitely need to incorporate yoga, running, stretching, etc. back into my routine. I'm planning to join ClassPass within the next two weeks on their $40 or $60/month plan so I can add some new classes into my routine.
  • Less Processed Snacks: While my breakfast, lunch & dinners are relatively clean throughout the week, snacks are my weakness and where I get a lot of the added sugars + salt I don't need to be eating. 
  • Walking More: Like I said earlier, my neighborhood doesn't have a ton to walk to, but I'm going to make it a goal to just go for a walk, even if it's not to a specific destination, more throughout the week.